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Gold Mining and Exploration

It is essential to get a license when being involved in the exploration of gold. To obtain a small-scale mining license, you:

  • must be a Ghanaian of at least 18 years
  • notify the Small-Scale District Center of the Minerals Commission of your intentions.
The District Officer will inspect the site to determine its suitability and prepare a report. If found suitable, the area will be demarcated and site plans prepared by the prospective licensee.

A notice of intention to allocate the area for small-scale mining will be published at the District Assembly for twenty-one (21) days. If no objections are made, the applications will be subsequently submitted together with the field report by the District Officer to the Head Office.

The Minerals Commission will check to ensure that the area is not already under licence. You will then be advised to obtain an Environmental permit from the EPA. The Minister then issues the License, and voila! You are in business.

The negative impacts of small scale mining far outweigh any seeming benefits and individuals must endeavour to observe rules and regulations to prevent such mishaps. Illegal mining presents itself in many forms some of which include:
  • Mining without the requisite license and permit.
  • With a licensed is secured, mining in unapproved area
  • Mining while the license application is still being processed
  • Mining in prohibited places such as forest and game reserves, close to rivers and in water bodies, close to residential areas and other infrastructures
Mining rights granted by chiefs, land owners and communities are still considered illegal and persons found in this act are answerable to the law.

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